Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

scribo, scribam, scribibam, scripsi, scripseram, scripsero

Monday, Nov. 22, 2004
12:21 p.m.
I am studying Latin verbs, folks, really I am. I just needed to take a break.

Last night Hubby and I cracked open the jazz CD and the fake book we bought, learning AII 0f Me (� la Sara Vaughan) and Autumn Leaves. Our goal is to learn one new song every day, and the next one on the roster is Basin Street BIues which I do not know at all. This is fun, way more fun than a lot of music I have had to learn in the past, and way easier too. If we build up a large enough repertoire, we could actually perform in front of a real audience, maybe even getting paid for it. Woo hoo! I see great new vistas opening up ahead of me: Elgan, Jazz Singer!

There was a cute story I wanted to get down on paper before I forgot that happened when Hubby and I were out shopping the other day. I had tried on the leather miniskirt and stepped out of my dressing room to model it for my man (wearing Mary Janes and argyle knee socks yet, cute) when I realized that the door to the change room had locked behind me with my clothes and my purse inside. The salesgirl was on the phone, so it took a while for her to open it again. But all sorts of scenarios played through my mind, mostly funny. It was the argyle knee socks, I think. I just didn�t like being stranded there dressed in that crazy fashion.

At the symphony concert Saturday night I wore the new skirt, as previously mentioned, plus I finally opened a package of fishnet pantihose that I bought last year but never wore (black with a vine/flower pattern twining up the outside of the leg) which I put over regular beige pantihose (it�s winter, let�s be practical), a white lace top, and the black bead-edged shawl that I bought at the bellydancing boutique. I asked Hubby if I looked ridiculous, if I should actually consider dressing my age, and he answered that this may be the last time in my life I can actually cavort in this kind of attire, so go for it. So I went for it. Maybe when I turn 50 I will start dressing my age, whatever that means.

Okay, enough of this procrastination, back to Latin verbs.

from deareddie :

Hah! Dressing your age is over-rated, I�m sure you looked fabulous! And thank you for the birthday wishes, my mission this week is to track down an incredible cake recipe and make the darn thing for myself. Loves!


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