Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land


Tuesday, Apr. 26, 2005
8:06 p.m.
Two things of note require that I add a mini-entry, if you will. The first one is simple, yet heartwarming. There are crocuses blooming in my lawn. The second is a little more complicated and heartclogging.

Because the pantry was bare, this mother went shopping today and laid out $300 on the purchase of comestibles at two different emporia: Costco, that temple to consumerism, and the Pr0vigo next to BIockbuster Vide0 where I had to return the film we viewed on Sunday night. I had not been to the latter in quite some time and was amazed when I walked in (after feeding a green garbage bag�s worth of plastic pop bottles into the swallow and crunch machine) to see that they have totally renovated the store. It looks quite beautiful, the produce arranged on diagonally placed tables under bright lighting (which isn�t good for preserving the folic acid in the romaine, but I digress) and almost everything relocated to different parts of the store, which made shopping a bit of an adventure. Everything is very wholesome looking, clean and well displayed. However (here comes the �but�), at some point in practically every aisle, including the cleaning products section, there is a stand with candy bars. They are no longer limited to the display at each check-out counter, but are placed next to the mangoes, the fabric softener, the smoked trout and the hamburger buns.

Am I going crazy, or is there a conspiracy to clog the arteries and increase the waistlines of Sherbrookers? Do we not consume enough junk food as it is without being tempted further by crap placed strategically throughout the store? Is there not something terribly wrong with this picture? Do any of you notice the same sort of thing in your grocery stores? Should I complain?

Sorry to lay this one you, but I was just a wee bit bothered, as you can tell.

from bindyree :

Yes, the candy lurks in odd corners now. The end caps are determined to kill us all.

from zuzus-petals :

Perish the thought! Chocolate junk food!?! Pashaw! What demon art thou to suggest such a thing!?!? The caffiene stimulates the heart rate. If it's milk chocolate, why that's good for the bones, preventing osteoperosis. And cocoa is a known and proven antioxidant. Why.. and good chocolate bar is almost like jogging! You're approaching the world all wrong (grin). - Zuzu (with sharfenberger bits crumbling down her shirt, looking sheepishly about... I'm... er.. working out.)

from krugerpak007 :

I can relate regarding the junkfood. Take care! xoxo Kathy


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