Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

A recap on married life.

Thursday, May. 6, 2004
10:47 a.m.
I have to do two entries in short order. The other one is already written, but this one gets posted first.

I want to thank ladybug-red for humouring me and writing a beautiful entry on marriage. I just got all warm and fuzzy inside as I read how she went from totally rejecting the idea of being �trapped� to being totally committed to the guy she was with because of that nasty four-letter word, LOVE. I would also like to thank ilonina and dandlioneyes who left me the following notes after my last entry on the subject:

From ilonina :

Just a wee note, dear. I didn�t write on marriage, because I�ve done it far too often already, but while I can understand your conclusion, my experience is different. My parents have a strong marriage that weathered the storm. I witnessed and suffered the tactics that they used to keep it together, and decided I never wanted them as part of my life. I valued other things--communication, openness, tranquillity--more than togetherness. We shall see how it works out for me.

From dandlioneyes :

i think that�s part of it, elgan, but not all. my parents have always had marital problems, and it has recently culminated in the mess that i am going through now--their what seems to be inevitable separation, prob. leading to a divorce. in other words: i think that experience can also make one really want and fight for a stable and solid marriage. you know? just a thought.... later gater!

I do believe I have blown my wad on this topic, so I�ll let it rest for now. Thanks again to all who responded. You�re the best!


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