Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

We are talking thin and colourless here

Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2003
10:13 a.m.
I have made a cataclysmic decision. Today is the last time I will have treated my hair with a permanent colouring product. From now on I will use only temporary dyes, so that in 32 months� time, if I keep my hair the length it is now (16" or 44 cm), I will be completely au naturel. At that point I can decide what I want to do, but at least I will be starting with a blank slate.

I have also decided that if I once weighed 109 lbs., I can do it again. After this recital, I drastically reduce my caloric intake and get thin! Leather pants, here I come! Just imagine me, a sexy, grey-haired, motorcycle mama! Woohoo!


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