Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Snow tires, horse doodoo, and a misspelled diva

Monday, Nov. 17, 2003
11:46 p.m.
It�s late, so I�ll make this short. I finally got the snow tires and winter wipers put on the Subaru. Hooray!

I gave Janice a poster for our concert to put up at B1ack Cat. Maybe she�ll even come. And Marlene had to correct the spelling of my name thereupon, because she spelled it the Spanish way, with an �o� in the middle, instead of an �a�. It�s funny how that sort of thing leaps out at you when it�s your name. Hubby looked at the poster, and didn�t see it until I practically pointed it out to him.

I have my period full tilt and our rehearsal tonight sounded like so much horse doodoo. My knees ached, I couldn�t sing on my break to save myself from invading barbarians, and all I could say was, �Thank gawd the concert isn�t tonight, because it would have been a total disaster.�

And, to end on a much happier note, I won two games of literati in a row against high-ranking players, putting my own rating up a notch or two. On this definite success, I bid you good night, and march myself to bed.


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