Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

The Silent Treatment

Friday, Oct. 24, 2003
8:28 a.m.
Here�s a good question for you. How stupid am I? I just typed a very nice entry, which I will try to reproduce verbatim, then, instead of punching the �done� button, I hit �log out� on the sidebar. Dorkey McGee, that�s me!

So, upon returning from Son�s high school last night, there was a message on the answering machine, but when I played it back, I heard only silence. Did my brother in fact call to thank me for the birthday card, and then lost his nerve when the answering machine came on? Or did he mean to say something else entirely, and thought better of leaving a �hard copy� of his less-than-charitable sentiments? We shall never know. It may merely have been a wrong number, to which we are no strangers at this particular exchange.

I did take ibuprofen and go to bed relatively early, and upon waking this morning found that I was quite stiff in the afflicted area, but with a muscle stiffness, and not the sharp pain that I experienced yesterday. Hopefully I will be able to get some actual work done today.


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