Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Two teenagers plus two on-line computers equals no internet for Mom.

Saturday, Sept. 18, 2004
11:52 a.m.
Finally I am able to update my diary. I wanted to do this last night, but my title for this entry says it all. Period.

Yesterday Hubby and I went to Canadian Tire to buy a pressure washer (as seen on TV) so he can clean the deck. It�s a man toy, that�s what it is, and it makes him happy, and perhaps even productive, so who am I to complain. We went to the store on King East, where there was one unit left at the sale price (a very good sale price, may I add) which we purchased forthwith. We also needed groceries, which meant that we had to drive west on King East, and pass the music/audio store where Hubby gets a lot of his equipment. He decided we should stop and get Buddy Boy some new guitar strings, and get some for himself as well. While we were there, we tried all the acoustic guitars with a view to buying one for moi m�me, but I already own a guitar which I do not play, and it was finally decided (after I developed blisters on my fingers) that I should play my old one, build up my technique somewhat, and then go back to the music store and do it all over again. I really do have blisters on my fingertips, I kid you not.

The stop at the music store meant that we had a quick grocery shop, an even quicker drop in to the music department to see if any of my new students had left their schedules in my box (two had), and then a latish supper of spaghetti and tomato sauce with saut�ed broccoli. After dinner we watched Mambo Italiano, an absolutely hilarious Canadian-made movie about the Italian community in Montreal, and specifically about a traditional family whose son declares his homosexuality and how it creates ripples throughout that community. It was very funny and also very poignant, and I recommend it to everyone.

I finished yesterday�s crossword puzzle before I went to bed, and now I am stymied by the lower right corner of today�s. But I did learn what a xerophyte is. Tonight we are invited to a double birthday party: Dr. M and Dr. J; they want our presence, not our presents.


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