Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Peter Pan syndrome

Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2007
10:09 p.m.
After a delightful lunch of pho at the Captain with a woman in choir, the widow of the deceased pottery teacher at the college who felt bad because she couldn’t come to my birthday party and wanted to make it up to me by buying me lunch, I met Hubby at the bank where we had a meeting with a financial advisor. She was very nice, and she spent the whole time, which was about an hour and-a-half, listening to us and taking notes. I hated being there. The whole idea of planning for retirement and maximizing investment income just seems so terribly grownup, and I feel like anything but a grownup. I threw the poor woman for a loop, actually, since she was going to talk to us about putting money into mutual funds and I told her right off the bat that I will not do that again, that I lost too much the first time I played with a diversified portfolio and have no desire to go down that road again. Plus, it made my income taxes so complicated for the pittance I was earning. So she has to reconsider her strategy with us, looking at guaranteed investments only.

Apart from that, my lunch with Ann was very pleasant. She told me a funny story which I must pass on: What do you get when you cross an incurable insomniac with an agnostic dyslexic? Someone who lies awake all night worrying about whether or not there’s a dog. I introduced her to pho, which was particularly delicious today, and cajoled her into having a piece of baklava for dessert (I was so full afterwards, I was actually in pain).

Then, the bank business done, I tooled over to Costco where I spent a vast sum of money on food for the most part ( there were some new socks for Buddy Boy in there, as well as some cleaning supplies), came home, cooked a delicious, nutritious and romantic dinner for just my husband and myself, then watched the very last episode of Black B00ks, which made me sad because there are no more, and that’s about it for my day. Boring!

I don’t want to grow up. I just want to be a kid and play with the other kids and have fun. I don’t want to plan for retirement. It’s not fair!


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