Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

I am mired in Rowling quicksand.

Monday, Aug. 1, 2005
8:11 p.m.
Here we are, a new month already and I�m still not done extracting parts for this piece which is turning out to be a real pain in the derri�re. If only I could get my own printer working, life would be much easier. As it is, I am dragging my feet, allowing myself to get caught in novels, something I have not done for a very long time, and progressing at this job, for which I am actually going to be paid, although not what I�m worth, at a snail�s pace.

Speaking of novels, I started the new Harry P0tter last night and I am already a third of the way through. When I start to read a book like that, I am totally and completely drawn in as if by a maelstrom, and find it very difficult to put it down and pay attention to the �real world� around me. The only thing for it is to allow myself to be sucked in, squeeze until there is no more juice, and then emerge at the end, sated and ready to get back to work.

Does anyone know how to get the smell of feet out of leather? My leather sandals smell like cheetos (since cheetos smell like dirty socks in my opinion) and I have tried all sorts of things. If anyone has any helpful hints, they would be greatly appreciated.

Okay, I�m off to read some more.


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