Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

April 1st, already!

Friday, Apr. 1, 2005
7:55 a.m.
Last night I saw a fabulous student production of Vict0r Hug0�s The Hunchback of N0tre Dame, adapted for the stage by Rick WheIan, in the studio theatre, a black box space, by this year�s graduating class. It was really amazing. The actor who played Quasi M0d0 especially impressed me. He is the president of the student council, so this is the only course he is taking, apart from his political duties, and he also sings in the choir, except that he is completely tone deaf and can�t carry a tune at all (I still don�t understand how Herr Doktor Professor could allow him in, considering he auditioned and everything), but is a very sweet guy. His hunchback was very believable. After the play was over, Esmerelda hanging from the gibbet, her newly-found mother slain at her feet, the corrupt arch-deacon flung from the belltower to the cobbles of the square of Notre Dame, the faithless Ph0ebus condemned in our hearts to the deepest level of hell and the bones of the protagonist and his dancing girl found spooning in the mass grave, Buddy Boy turned to me and said, �Well, Disney sure did a number on that one!�


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