Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land


Sunday, Oct. 19, 2008
11:56 a.m.
I have been afflicted with head aches lately, really nasty ones. They strike when I am in the throes of conjugal activity, at the point where I am striving for the gold ring on the carousel, or whatever euphemism you would like me to employ for “orgasm”. In the past, I have been used to a headache afterwards, brief reminders that pleasure does not come without a modicum of pain. However, these new ones are incredible and debilitating and they don’t go away, even after the activity that brought them on has been curtailed due to one of the partners howling and whimpering and basically expressing discomfort in no uncertain terms. Even the fortification beforehand by means of two extra-strength Tylen0ls did not prevent the occurrence of one last night, and I am beginning to think this is not going to go away on its own.

The first time it happened, I thought the back of my head was going to explode and that there would be brains and blood and bits of bone all over the pillow. It was horrible. Hubby has made me promise to see a medical practitioner as soon as possible to see if anything can be done about this. Even today I still have a glimmer of that sensation that felled me last night. It certainly puts a damper on my efforts to pleasure myself.

You really didn’t need to hear about that stuff. But I would be interested to know if any of my readers have had similar experiences and would be willing to share them with me. I’m wondering if this is another aspect of menopause, or if it’s totally unrelated.

But anyway, the skating rink is apparently open and I’ve been encouraged by one of our music students to join him on the ice this afternoon. So I’d best get dressed, have some lunch, and go do that.


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