Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

In a sentimental mood�

Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2006
11:18 p.m.
I�m supposed to have gone to bed, but I haven�t, have I? Hubby and I just finished rehearsing (we stopped at Satin D0ll) and I had a definite crackle (it sounded like static on the radio), which means STOP SINGING YOU DOLT! So I did. But I remembered that I hadn�t updated yet today, a habit I have which seems to insist on being indulged whether or not I actually have anything to say, so I thought I had best discharge my journalistic duties before heading off to the land of Winken, Blinken and Nod.

How shall I describe today? It was�um�weird, weather-wise anyway. Buddy Boy slipped and slid to the corner, only to come slipping and sliding back because there was no bus and no one waiting for a bus, and sure enough, when I got smart enough to turn on the radio, the Eastern T0wnships Sch00lboard had cancelled classes since we had freezing rain last night and it would be treacherous for students in far-flung communities to be ferried over the glacial roads. So he got the day off. I still had to go to school though for Latin at 10:00 a.m. (I finished my morphology of the subjunctive over breakfast) and I had to put out the garbage and the recycling (why me?) before I got into the car and drove very carefully over the now-melting ice to get to class. We also continued with our translation of the Daedalus and Icarus story.

When I left McKinn0n (the building in which my class was) it was pouring rain. Pouring! I arrived in the student union building soaked (just a short walk across a parking lot really) where I bought some lunch (a pannini sandwich with brie, arugula, pesto and red onions [which I removed] and a small latte with skim milk and froth) and sat with a friend of Little Princess�, who proceeded to pour out her heart to me about the really lousy relationship she has with her own mother. It�s very sad that parents do not appreciate their children as being individuals in their own right and not merely extensions of their progenitors. At least, that was the impression I got from this girl.

Following this exchange (which ended with a big hug and an offer that I could be her mom) I taught my two voice-as-a-second-instrument students who both wanted to go over audition materials for choir solos. The annoying one is actually making progress. I mean, she is actually starting to sound all right as opposed to awful. I feel really vindicated as a singing teacher when I see that I have had some effect on a student whose former teacher just wrote off.

The rest of the day is rather dull. It included a trip to the supermarket with Buddy Boy, the microwaving of a vegetarian lasagne (bought on said trip) for supper, a brief nap, and the rehearsal with Hubby (discussed above). The weather changed yet again, the temperature dropping to freezing, the wind picking up to gale proportions (it�s quieted down a bit now). The lights actually went out a couple of times during our practice, which necessitated the resetting of the amplifier, and the microwave clock. I hate winter.

Now it�s bedtime. �Nuff said.


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