Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

I’m fucked.

Thursday, Sept. 13, 2007
11:13 p.m.
I just watched four episodes of TPB in a row, so you’ll have to excuse me if my language is a little, shall we say, colourful.

As I have been complaining for quite some time now, our (insert adjective of your choice here) chair has not yet posted the teacher-student assignments. There are, apparently five new singing students. The distribution is as follows: the first two new majors go to the teacher with the most seniority points, then the rest are distributed in a one-per fashion going around the circle. There are three singing teachers, one of whom is actually a piano teacher who teaches singing and has only requested one new student per year. Until now, I have always been considered the teacher with the most seniority because I have been teaching singing in our department since 1988. That’s a long time.

Well today I went to the page on our website where part-time seniority points are listed, and I’ll be damned if I am no longer the senior singing teacher in our department. No, that honour now goes to my illustrious colleague, the woman who teaches at two other universities and who has somehow ended up with three students who were originally assigned to me. I am really and truly pissed off, especially as the assignation of seniority points is fucked, relying as it does on student-teacher evaluations, which are supposed to be anonymous and confidential, but when you only have one student enrolled in a course, are neither, and I have argued this point already.

Therefore, when the students finally get distributed, if they ever do because our chair is so (insert another adjective of your choice here), I will end up with one student! One goddamned fucking singing student after teaching in this department for 19 years, giving more than they deserve. I just want to cry, or quit, or break something. I’m so tired of this bullshit, really I am. Next time Hubby talks about packing it in and moving on, I don’t think I’ll give him any argument. This bites.


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