Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Shopping, shopping over the ocean blue!

Monday, Dec. 13, 2004
10:43 p.m.
I still have not done up my marks, but that is because I have been sucked in by the evil internet and it has not yet released me from its vampiric hold. I taught my last lesson of the term today to a sweet girl from Canada�s ocean playground or some such similar place. She came into the studio and I first asked how she was doing, to which she replied, �I need a hug.� So I obliged and gave her a big hug and she burst into tears, telling me that her folks had called last night informing her that her grandfather was in a very bad way. She�s not going home until Friday and is just so anxious. I gave her her lesson, which went very well, and then I asked her if she was busy and would she like to come to the mall with me, since I had to pick up my shoes from the shoemaker and run a few other errands while I was there. She thought that was a great idea, just as long as we weren�t gone too long, since she has exams to study for.

So, we hopped in the Elganmobile and drove through the snow-covered countryside, admiring the pristine whiteness of it all and the way the heavy snow made the pine boughs bow down, until we arrived at our destination. My shoes were repaired very nicely and polished. My student purchased a Jack DanieIs belt buckle for her boyfriend, and then we wandered into a few clothing stores and oohed and ahhed over all the holiday styles. She has a weakness for shoes, purses and other accessories. I had to keep her moving past all the various displays designed to pull in obsessive-shopper types.

We had lunch in the food court. My student never carries cash, apparently, and at the Chinese food counter they would not take her debit card, so I ended up paying for her lunch, for which she later reimbursed me when we stopped at the pharmacy so she could buy something and get cash back after paying for it with said debit card. On the way home, we stopped at my favourite store, the international deli, where I bought Izmir figs and apple-cinnamon tisane.

When I got home myself, Little Princess was studying for a physics exam with a couple of friends. She is now at a party somewhere, having informed me she will be taking a cab home, which means she�ll be late, and I am concerned about this exam. Oh well, she�s a big girl, right?

Hubby has brought the G4 laptop home from the university, so there are now two computers in the house connected to the internet. Just when I�m supposed to be limiting my access. Damn it all, damn it all to hell!

from ladybug-red :

I love your description of the snow. My 4-year old has never seen snow and it is all he can talk about this Christmas. He has also never seen �hills�. We live along the flat coastal plains and rarely travel any distances with him so he thinks interestate overpasses are �mountains�. We need to get the poor child out more - huh?


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