Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Wherein I admit I am a wuss.

Sunday, Apr. 18, 2004
9:41 a.m.
A reviewer in the Gazette gave Kill Bill 2 four stars. I didn�t actually read the review, but the question I have is �Why?� Last night we rented and watched the first Kill Bill on our 55" television, and I kept looking at my watch throughout hoping it would soon be over. Is there something wrong with me? Why don�t I find scenes of severed necks with blood gushing upwards like a Roman candle amusing? While the rest of my clan are laughing their own heads off at these antics, I am quietly waiting for it all to be over. I was reminded of a Mel Gibson flick we saw a while ago, Pay Back, which had a similar premise, where a small-time crook is left for dead after having been cheated out of an amount of cash on a swindle and seeks revenge in overkill. The only difference, as far as I can see, is that that one was supposed to be semi-serious, while Kill Bill is supposed to be a spoof in the worst spaghetti/sushi-western tradition. Well frankly, my dear, I am not amused.

And speaking of movies, Dr. M.M. told us yesterday when she was all excited about the recent publication of her book that she was going to be speaking at the Unitarian Universalist church this morning about the new Mel movie that has made him a much wealthier man than he already was with its overly graphic portrayal of Jesus being scourged and physically abused in other gory ways. She and her husband, also a religion scholar, are both Jewish (she by choice, he by accident) and both felt that this film was anti-Jewish, purposely so, especially considering all the history that has gone under the bridge in the last several centuries. Christian friends she spoke to said they were disappointed that the film focused solely on the blood and gore, and said little or nothing about the message of Jesus. I don�t know what Mel was trying to do, but he�s sure succeeded in making a lot of money for certain people in the process. This is another film on my �Do Not See� list, as I do not find violence entertaining. That list is full of Gibson movies, including The Patriot, Road Warrior, Mad Max, et cetera. The only reason I watched Brave Heart was because my kids browbeat me into it. Never again!


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