Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

The holidays are truly over (sniff!)

Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2004
10:24 a.m.
Our Brumalia shrubbery now lies forlorn and naked on the snowbank next to the road, along with the garbage cans and recycling bin. All along the street Christmas trees, Channukah bushes and Brumalia shrubberies wait naked and shivering for their turn to be collected and turned into wood chips by the town wood chipper (actually I have no information on what happens to this particular holiday detritus after it gets picked up, so I can say anything I like).

Yesterday I undressed our lovely Fraser Fir, packing away all the ornaments and lights, including the new planetary decorations I made for it this year. This morning, I unscrewed the butterfly nuts that held the braces in place while my daughter kept the tree from toppling over onto me, and then she and Hubby dragged it through the whole house to the front door leaving a trail of fir needles wherever it had even remotely gone--so that I spent much time vacuuming up errant vegetation--thence to the curb where it now rests in the -10�C weather. It won�t be naked for long, however, as the predictable snow has already started to sift down from the cloud-hidden heavens in order to cloak its and all its colleagues� verdant nudity.


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