Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

No key is necessary to open this diary

Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2004
8:46 p.m.
I believe that the time has come to unlock my diary. I have been through it with a fine-toothed comb, and I believe that I have expunged anything that could get anyone in trouble. I realize that anonymity is not the issue here, but minimizing potential liability is. It was brought home to me by that article about the policeman who got busted. As well, Hubby commented that I was writing about situations that an astute reader might relate to the actual people involved, if say one of those people were to apply for a job and be refused employment because an interviewer had read my diary and connected the dots. It�s not a likely scenario but a possible one, and I must respect that. So, as per my new year�s resolution to �not leave any opinions lying around that are likely to come back later and bite me in the ass�, I will be more circumspect and discreet in the future.

So the door is open, let the party begin�again!


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