Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

I am officially a published authoress

Tuesday, Dec. 23, 2003
5:15 p.m.
The back is still bad, but under the influence of ibuprofen, bearable. The bottle told me no more than three extra-strength pills a day, and I have just consumed the third one, and look at the time. What am I going to do when this one wears off? I guess I�ll have to hit the codeine, which means I shall be wasted, as will be the evening.

Janice called to say that B1ack Cat Tales would be ready at 3:00, so Daughter, Hubby and I piled into the car (I eased myself in, thank you) and headed out to Provigo, where I left them with list in hand as I took my life in my hands and skipped across the street to the bookstore. Lo! the publication was not there. Janice had left the box in her sister�s car, and her conjoint was to drop it off at 3:00, but was late. I stood, dripping, on her mat, with a piece of gaily wrapped fruit cake in a B1ockbuster bag, waiting for David to arrive with the booklets. Just as I figured I couldn�t let Hubby and Daughter run around wild in the grocery store much longer, Janice�s sister arrived. Hooray! I acquired my copies, gave her her fruit cake, and vamoosed, but not before she thanked me repeatedly, and said, �You shouldn�t have!� several times. Why can�t people accept gifts graciously? If I should have, it would be no fun at all!

So, once more defying death, I crossed the street and found my loved ones in Provigo, adhering perfectly to the list I had provided for them. At this point I said, �Okay, now get the stuff that�s not on the list,� and they obliged, stocking up on chocolatey biscuits and soft drinks and all sorts of fun stuff. We then sauntered over to the liquor store, whereupon we spent more money on alcoholic beverages. But our local SAQ outlet does not have much of a selection, which meant that we travelled into Sherbrooke to visit the new S�lection where the bus station used to be (that burned down in a fire last year), and where Hubby was able to acquire absinthe, which I understand makes the heart grow fonder. I also found Harvey�s Bristol Cream Sherry, and we bought a slender vessel of Quebec grown ice-cider. It says right on the bottle that it improves with age, but I don�t know if it will get the chance. Anyway, our liquor cabinet is now fully loaded, and we are ready for visitors.


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