Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Happy Standard Time!

Sunday, Oct. 26, 2003
2:56 p.m.
Yay me! I have finished the notes for the November 21 concert, and sent them as an email to the man�s email, so he can check them over and send them to Marie-Claude, who will translate them and have them all ready for the programme. I am nothing if not efficient. On the other hand, the man himself said he would write a little essay explaining Giulianni�s arrangements of Rossini, and how they fit in a historical (or an historical, your choice) context, as well as his own arrangements of Rossini for soprano and guitar. What is particularly interesting, if I may say, is that two of these pieces are for tenor, one a duet for baritone and mezzo, and one mezzo solo, and dear Hubby has transposed three of them so that they are better guitar keys. Unfortunately, they now sit firmly in the soprano break, and are killers to sing one after another. If I can pull this off, I will have vocal chords of steel!

I have also been getting my cleaning done piecemeal. The basement is now dusted and vacuumed, both beds made, and I just have to clean the bathroom down there, and it�s guest-ready. Tomorrow, hopefully, I can finish it all off by giving the kitchen the cleaning of its life, and maybe even get to the fridge and some cupboards. Real exciting stuff, this.

I spoke to my mom and Big Brother this morning. BB gave other brother his birthday card on his birthday and watched carefully for Brother�s reaction, which was, �That�s nice.� Well, what else would I expect? I still don�t know who didn�t leave a message that night, or who called the next day and didn�t respond to my �Hello?� Some mysteries will remain so.

Daughter�s boyfriend and Chris ended up staying over last night, since boyfriend never did hear from his mother, who hadn�t checked her voice mail to find out exactly where her son was. Maybe we are over-protective parents, but at least we mostly know where our kids are, and try to arrange pickup times, etc. So Hubby had to drive boyfriend to Waterville this morning where Eve was going to get him.

Right now Son has a friend over who lives in Sawyerville, and I said I would drive him home, as long as I was back in time to see �Six Feet Under�. Why do I agree to these things?

My back is feeling much better, only a little stiff where I felt the original searing pain. I�m pretending there�s nothing wrong with me, because it wouldn�t make any difference if I didn�t. No one else is going to do this vacuuming, right?


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