Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

A tale of two watches.

Monday, Apr. 30, 2007
10:36 p.m.
I was in the bathroom earlier this evening, all set to flush the toilet, when it suddenly got very dark and very quiet, you know, that telltale hush and overall blackness that happens when the power suddenly goes out. It was off for a grand total of perhaps a half-hour, maybe only 20 minutes, during which time we sat around by candlelight and chewed the proverbial fat.

I am a little upset, however, because the battery backup gizmo that I spent quite a bit of money on and into which the computer was plugged didn’t do that for which I had purchased it in the first place, i.e. keep the computer running long enough to shut it down properly. Instead it started beeping, after everything else had turned off. I don’t get it. Am I doing something wrong?

Anyway, that wasn’t what I wanted to write about. I was going to tell you about my new watch. You know, the watch that I talked about in this entry and then again in this entry. Last night, as I was walking away from the computer, it suddenly fell off my wrist onto the floor, two of the links in the bracelet separated where a fine pin had fallen out. I never did find the pin.

So today, after waiting hours and hours for Hubby to finally ink his taxes and give me the go-ahead to take them to the post office, Little Princess and I went to see le bijoutière and he fixed it on the spot. With watch once more firmly encircling my wrist, we continued on and did our various jobs, arriving home later, only for it to fall off my wrist again, this time in the kitchen, and this time I found the pin. A different link had parted from the others. The pins are actually like super skinny screws, and they’re working their way loose. This is a bummer, considering what I paid for the damned watch.

So, I’m debating taking it in to him tomorrow, or waiting until he calls when he’s finished altering the other bracelet. I mean, it looks like every single one of those pins could pop out at any time.

But, for your viewing pleasure, I actually have photos of the new watch and the old, so you can compare and contrast and ooh and ahh to your hearts’ content.




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