Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

I need rehab� and badly!

Friday, Jan. 6, 2006
12:11 a.m.
Zounds! It�s past midnight and I haven�t yet updated. Holy McMoley! Remember I spoke of my chatroom addiction? Well, the Diaryland chatroom has been down for a while again (grr! It seems like it�s down more than it�s up) and I was introduced to another in its lieu. I am smitten all over again. I�m a bad, bad monkey.

So, the marimba piece is finished. Hubby has added one part where the soloist goes a little wild, banging her mallets on the side of the instrument, down on the floor, then vocalizes, puts down the sticks and continues by hitting her own body, finally doing the Tarzan-thing by pounding the chest and yelling �ah!�. At least she doesn�t have to swing on a vine across the stage. He asked me what I thought, and I told him quite honestly that I thought it was silly. He was delighted, saying that since I am so conservative, everyone else will love it! I have become a reverse standard! When did this happen?

It snowed today, again, so what else is new? It really did look like a winter wonderland out there, but when I took Buddy Boy to the video store to return his game, the car was not happy with the slippery road. Thank goodness for all-wheel drive and ABS brakes.

Little Princess emailed me tonight from her final destination. She and her friends had dinner with my mother last night, who appeared to enjoy herself, which means she probably did, and Little Princess has discovered the joy of second-hand bookstores. Hallelujah!

I am now so tired that I cannot focus my eyes, and that means I�d better hit the hay. Must check on my chatroom though before I go to bed� Just kidding!


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