Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Goblins and ghosties and ghouls, oh my!

Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2007
6:27 p.m.
I compose this entry at the kitchen table on my daughter’s laptop, trying to prepare supper on the stove while being interrupted every few minutes to answer the door to costumed children. They started coming before it was even dark, and there’s been a steady stream ever since.

I was afraid we would be Jack o’lanternless this year, not having had the foresight to buy a pumpkin when they were on sale cheap at the supermarket earlier. This morning, before heading out to teach, I drove into Sh’brooke looking for a large, orange squash, and was resigned to not finding one, when I discovered that the florist/nursery across from the motorcycle club headquarters still had a few left. I purchased a really nice one and belted it into the back seat of the car, then went on to teach my students, the first one of which never showed, which meant I got some practising in and a bite to eat as well.

When I returned to my studio after bolting a veggie burger in the lobby, there was a person sitting at the piano wearing the most grotesque rubber mask imaginable, dressed in a masculine fashion, and I started to tell him/her that I had a lesson to teach and he/she would have to go. It turned out to be my next student who got there ahead of me and had a good laugh at my confusion.

I have rediscovered my double-boiler (which I had to go look up just now since I could only remember the word bain-marie) for reheating food since my microwave is still in the shop and I am valiantly doing without. It takes longer, and probably uses more energy, but it works.

Well, I must go stir my snow-peas (sautéeing with tamari, ginger and garlic in olive oil) and set the table. Happy Halloween to all!


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