Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

It’s National Brotherhood Week!

Monday, Mar. 24, 2008
10:26 p.m.
The good news is: The Volvo started today. Yes, it did. It must have been inspired by the rising temperatures and the risen Christ. Or something. Anyway, it meant that Little Princess and I were able to shovel the snow that had accumulated around it so we could move it off the driveway and I could take her to the university, then go and top up the tires with air. All that sitting had made them a little soft.

The ice on the river is starting to break up. There are patches of bare water showing through and flooding is feared due to all the snow we’ve had recently. Spring is in the air, although just now, when I moved the car back into its spot on the side of the driveway so Hubby can get the Subaru into the garage later tonight, it was pretty damned cold out.

Earlier this evening, Little Princess called me from school to tell me she’d forgotten her choir music and could I please bring it to her since she’s playing violin with the band for a few pieces? So I did that and ended up staying to listen to a run-through of the student showcase concert, on which she’s also playing, along with Ollie and Ed. I invited Ed home for pizza afterwards and he showed up with Ollie, knowing full well that I couldn’t turn hungry boys away, being the Jewish mother that I am. So I fed them. Halfway through our meal, Little Princess called, saying her rehearsal was done, would I please come and get her? So I sent Ed in my place, and when she got home, fed her too. This is my rôle in life.

We watched Tom Lehrer and Boomtown Boys videos on YouTube afterwards, and then they were gone. Here’s an example:

Go to YouTube yourself and watch more.


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