Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

I�ve got blisters on my fingers!

Friday, Apr. 9, 2004
7:36 p.m.
Kristee has brought up an interesting point regarding keeping a weblog. Who is reading this thing, anyway? Well, in my case, I am. After all, I am keeping this diary mainly for myself, so that I can record my activities, reminisce about things past, and try to write in a more creative manner than I would were I to fill out the pages of an agenda chronicling my daily movements.

I kept a diary when I was a teenager and for a while when I was a university student. I think everyone who keeps a journal hopes secretly that someday someone somewhere will find it and read it, maybe even publish it, and thus be immortalized � la Anne Frank. Years later I reread my teenaged ramblings and had to admit that they were pure, unadulterated crap. The things I felt were important to record as an adolescent made very poor reading after the fact.

I have noticed that my recent diary entries have been of the mundane I-did-this-and-went-there variety. Probably this is due to the incredible amount of activity I have been cramming in lately. When life is more staid, I get inspiration for my entries from my fellow Diarylanders. Something someone will say will remind me of a similar incident in my own life, which I feel would make a good story. Today�s earlier entry about the paschal lamb was inspired by Harri3tspy (thank you, by the way), whose own experiences with AJ often bring to mind recollections of my own children at that age.

What I�m trying to say here is that by keeping a weblog in such a public way, there is a lot of cross-fertilization going on. I really believe that we could be exchanging ideas more than we do, allowing us each to be more creative, and not just on our notes pages. The beauty of the internet is that it joins us through our prose, and we find that there are people out there with whom we can connect in a meaningful way.


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