Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Entry No. 2

Friday, Dec. 19, 2003
11:34 a.m.
Today I swore with all the swear words in my vocabulary, loudly and with feeling. Daughter�s friend Chris called seeking help, as he had to be out of rez by noon, but his ride wasn�t available until after that and he had bags and boxes and computers to move. So, being the good person that I am, I said okay, Daughter and I would come with the Volvo, which has a pretty big trunk, since Hubby has taken the Subaru to Montreal to buy Son his Brumalia present, and we would call before leaving.

We called before leaving, as promised, but it took us a half-hour to get the goddamned fucking Volvo out of the shit-filled fucking driveway due to all the goddamned fucking ice under all the shit-load of snow. There. I now have to go brush my teeth.

We tried everything. First I went forward and managed a few inches. Then I went backwards and ended up in the snow mountain beside the car. I had to keep hopping out and in to try different things, and to add misery to mishap, I had to climb over the gear shift and enter and exit by the passenger door, since I couldn�t get mine open. Daughter was absolutely useless, by the way. I�m going to have to teach that girl how to wield a shovel properly.

I found some ice grip metal thingies that you slide under the rear wheels (in this case), and they got us maybe two or three feet farther out of the rut we were in, but then we lost them in the snow. So I tried strewing fireplace ash and potting soil under the tires, but again to no avail. Finally I went into the kitchen and got the box of good old Sifto salt, poured a whole pile of it before and behind both rear tires, waited a minute, got in, gunned the motor, and lo! I was free! I left the car running on the street while we cleaned up our masses of weapons of destruction, which included digging the ice grip thingies out of the snow, and we were finally on our way to Chris� to get his stuff.

His friend Matt and he loaded up our car with three clothes-filled garbage bags, a laundry hamper similarly packed, a box of CDs etc., an electronic keyboard, two computer processors and two monitors. Oh, and themselves. And two knapsacks. Am I forgetting anything? I�m not quite certain how we got everything in the car. The two processors and one monitor and knapsack were in the backseat with the two guys, and Daughter held onto the keyboard and the other knapsack. It was a pretty darn tight fit. But I got them to Matt�s house, where they unloaded everything, and I left my daughter in their care as well, and came home. This time I parked on the other side of the driveway, and hopefully it will be easier getting out next time.

And this brings us to the end of the lesson.


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