Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Thanksgiving Part III

4:43 p.m.
This is the final entry in the Thanksgiving saga as told by Elgan who speaks with wisdom and experience and a sprinkling of self-deprecating humour.

We departed Torontoland at approximately 9:45 a.m. after many hugs and kisses with my mother, who behaved herself for the rest of our stay. The trip was uneventful, with one stop just before Kingston to fuel up both the car and us. Tim Horton sandwiches are tasteless, by the way. Don�t believe the advertisements. Traffic through Montreal was light, and we arrived back in the Cantons de l�est just before 5 p.m. eastern daylight time, unloaded the car, turned off the light timers, and had a delightful supper of stirfried broccoli, carrots and onions with tofu and black beans, served on a bed of brown rice. So good for you! I watched Sunday�s Six Feet Under, which I had thoughtfully taped, and caught up on my diaryland reading. And Thanksgiving 2003 drew to an end as the stars came out and Mars glared balefully down upon the earth. I fell asleep in my own bed and was thankful (finally) to be home and away from my family (and my husband�s family) whom I love dearly and like to visit rarely.

In two and-a-half weeks� time my mother comes here with my brother, the one who lives in Israel, for a lickety-split visit of four days (five nights). I am hoping that she will not be cloying, and will actually give my brother and me some time alone together. She has already expressed a desire for me to take her shopping to buy a new winter coat. Believe me, I�d rather spend the time with Big Brother, but I�m a dutiful daughter and I refuse her nothing.

It took a lot of nerve for me to tell her off this weekend. For a person who worked with people and did counselling for deteriorating relationships, she has an incredible lack of sensitivity when it comes to the people around her. She and my dad had some terrific fights, and while I�m sure my dad instigated a lot of them by doing the stupid things he tended to do, she sure fought dirty with her haranguing. I was always amazed they stayed married. Anyway, I won�t take this crap lying down anymore. So there.


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