Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

My first diary entry

8:12 p.m.
Here I am typing my very first weblog entry. Feels a little strange. I've kept diaries since I was a weeny thing, and here I am, already in ripe middle age, putting down stuff for all the world to see. Like who cares, right? I've reread diaries from my youth, and they are the most boring stuff ever, so why would anyone want to read someone else's diary is beyond me.

But I have a friend who has been doing this and claims that it is very therapeutic, so I thought I'd give it a try. Actually my son, who is 14 and just read what I've written so far over my shoulder, thinks that online diaries are really tacky. Maybe he's right. Maybe they are. This might end up being a very short-lived endeavour. Time will tell.

That's all for now. See you later!


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