Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Mothers, laundry, and rock and roll.

Saturday, July 10, 2004
7:23 p.m.
My mother has decided to stay in her own house after all. She is suffering from macular degeneration and the ophthamologist has already declared her legally blind in her left eye. She has all but given up attempting the Saturday crossword puzzle, the one that we regularly discuss on Sunday, and is considering stopping her subscription to the paper completely as she is finding it more and more difficult to read. Her logic is that if she is in fact going blind, she will be better off in familiar surroundings. She�s not hurting financially, so can afford to hire help when she needs it. I hope she is making the right decision.

Today I was Super Mom to the rescue. Little Princess� BF was in town this weekend from his camp for under-privileged kids in the wilds of Jolliette, and ended up sleeping in our guestroom last night. After driving Little Princess to her job, I proceeded to do this guy�s laundry (my, what a reek!), drying it and folding it, doing an especially nice job on the two cotton button-down shirts. Then I drove him to the bus station to catch a 3 p.m. bus to Montreal, first having to go into L�ville to drop something off and pick something up at a friend�s place. I got him to the bus station at precisely 2:59 and parked in front of the soon-to-be-departing bus so that he could purchase his ticket and get his stuff out of my trunk. He thanked me profusely, and of course I graciously said it was nothing. Man, I am so nice! When did this happen?

Otherwise I once again spent too much time in front of the computer chatting to strangers and friends alike while Hubby downloaded songs at the other computer to learn the lead guitar parts. We are going next week to visit his family and his brother has asked him to sit in for their lead guitarist at a biker (not those kind of bikers) picnic in Harriston, Ont. He�s had to learn all sorts of songs he�d never heard of before, but thanks to the wonders of the internet and the illegality of !imewire, he has been able to record them and work out the guitar licks that way. As I type he is learning Satisfaction by the R�lling St�nes. My oh my, it takes me back. This is why he got a D.M.A. in composition all those years ago; it was in preparation for his return debut as a rock and roll guitarist. At least he�s got the leather pants for it.


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