Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Fizzle, fizzle, foop!

Monday, Aug. 16, 2004
9:18 a.m.
The Subaru is now at the shop, the girls not attending their wind-surfing course until tomorrow. All that anxiety for nothing. Raymond didn�t have a car available for the whole week, but he assured me that if there was a need, I could borrow one for an afternoon. Our body job should be finished by Friday.

Hubby actually left the house before me but forgot about the construction on rue St-Fran�ois. I remembered and arrived a good 10 minutes before him, even though I took the longer route. He got totally turned around with the detour and ended up backtracking. As they say in Quebec, there are two seasons: winter and construction.

The other four blossoms on my angel trumpet are opening more-or-less concurrently. Driving past the nursery where I bought it, I noticed the one they have by the roadside. It is enormous, about the same size as our flowering crab, and in full bloom with gorgeous yellow flowers hanging from the branches. Some day (she crosses her fingers) my little tree will reach such gargantuan proportions.

I had a moment�s panic yesterday. Just as I got the barbecue all hot and the potatoes and salmon were ready to be tossed thereupon, the propane fizzled and ran out. Normally I get my tank refilled at Costco (20 lbs. of propane for $10 or thereabouts), but on a Sunday evening I was faced with either doing my food in the oven or sending my menfolk out to Provigo with the empty tank to exchange it for a full one. We opted for the latter, and it cost $20! That�s for the convenience, I guess. I just wish there was some way of knowing when the tank was about to run out. It seems to always be at the most inconvenient of times. To top it off, we had guests, friends of Little Princess (K-- from Chicoutimi and Sam from her band), I was suffering from low blood sugar and extremely cranky, and I had gone the extra length of making a really nice dinner.

It turned out great, but was a half-hour later than hoped or dreamed, and I still had to take the kids to a band rehearsal. Buddy Boy was supposed to come with me so we could rent a movie, but I forgot about him in all the fuss about getting the others to their appointment on time. So that entailed another trip to the video store, where we rented The Whole Ten Yards, which was extremely funny and even more confusing. Little Princess was supposed to call before 11:00 p.m. to be picked up, and I knew that if I waited patiently for the phone to ring, it could be much longer. So I sat down at the computer and started typing a diary entry. Two sentences into it, the phone rang. Works every time!


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