Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Mike P.�s Kick-Ass Guacamole Recipe

Thursday, Dec. 09, 2004
8:53 a.m.
2 avocados
1 small red onion
1 tomato
2 small cloves of garlic (or less, Mike likes a lot)
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
Some drops of lemon juice
Dash of Tabasco sauce

Chop avocados finely in a bowl. DON�T SQUASH!!! Add minced onion, finely chopped tomatoes (de-seeded) and the rest. Mix well and consume right away.

(I promised this recipe to my chat-room friends last night. It was given to me by a former student who was so pleased with a particular party we threw that he wanted to leave something in return that was especially dear to him. Enjoy!)


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