Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Is she a goer, nudge, nudge, wink, wink?

Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2006
10:28 p.m.
Instead of boring you with my usual Tuesday glop, here is something I wrote in writing group tonight, where we were to give both sides of an argument on some controversial subject (like should the toilet paper come off the top or the back of the roll):

There was a letter to the editor in the Rec0rd this morning. The author was responding to an opinion piece regarding an earlier news item about the new swingers� club in Asc0t C0rner (a tiny town nearby). Swingers, for those of you who don�t know, are couples in committed relationships who enjoy getting it on with people other than their own spouses. The Supreme Court ruled some time ago that this behaviour was not illegal as it was between consenting adults and no one was getting hurt. An enterprising capitalist in Asc0t C0rner took advantage of this ruling to open a swingers club, a place where couples can go to meet other couples with the same proclivity and �swing�. The club owner stated that he himself is not a swinger, he just wants to make money off of them.

In her letter, the writer took exception to the existence and sanctioning of these establishments. She disagrees with the whole idea of swinging, looks upon it as a perversion and blatant disregard for Christian decency and family values. She is concered that wife-swapping leads to broken homes, and cited the current statistic of half of all marriages ending in divorce.

Now I look upon this whole business in a different light. First of all, I bet that only a tiny fraction of the general population swings. Seriously. How could that be affecting the national divorce rate? Second, people who want to swap partners will do so, whether it is legal or not. The only difference is that if they do it in the privacy of their own homes, this woman won�t know about it; whereas if they go to a club to have a nice dinner, see a show, have some drinks and then get a room, it is obvious that this practice does happen. I have to applaud the businessman who found this niche to fill. We need more enterprising entrepreneurs like him.

As I already mentioned, swinging is restricted to a very small portion of the population. No one is making this woman join their ranks. They do not have parades or billboard ads, yet. I feel the same way about abortion. While I don�t condone it as a method of birth control, women are going to get rid of unwanted fetuses. Should they be forced to seek out back-alley butchers as they once did, or would it not be more humane to have clinics where they can go and terminate their pregnancies safely? People like this woman get all up in arms about young kids having access to contraceptives. Children are having sex earlier and earlier now. Wouldn�t it be better that they have the means to prevent pregnancy and the spread of venereal diseases than not? Just because abortion is legal does not mean every woman will choose to have one. Just because birth control is available, not all young people are going to hop indiscriminately into the sack. And just because one astute businessman in Asc0t C0rner decided to open a club for swingers, an activity declared legal by the Supreme Court, not all married couples are suddenly going to start swapping partners. Well, not yet, in any case.


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