Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Art thou troubled? Music will calm thee.

Sunday, Oct. 31, 2004
12:10 a.m.
It is officially Hallowe�en, I guess, considering the clock struck O hundred hours in the very recent past. After posting my entry this morning, I did two crossword puzzles and drove Little Princess into town, stopping at the pharmacy and the dollar store so I could buy hair dye and defrizzing serum (I�ve not yet tried this particular brand, I�ll write my report later) and she could get face paints to do up her boyfriend as Darth Maul. I didn�t see the transformation, but apparently he shaved his head for the occasion. I�m not too sure I really want to witness this.

Anyway, she had a gig with her string quartet at BCS for some fundraiser or other, and I came home and played on the computer for a few minutes before realizing that I couldn�t keep my eyes open. Unfortunately, when I was in bed trying desperately to nap for a few minutes, the telephone kept ringing and Buddy Boy, who was in the basement practising his guitar and watching television (multi-tasking dontcha know) couldn�t be bothered to reach over and pick up the receiver. I did fall asleep, waking up around 6:00 p.m. and realizing that I had to make supper. So I did that.

Hubby came home and asked me if I wanted to go to Centennial Theatre tonight. We received flyers in our convocation programmes yesterday that entitled the bearer to a free ticket to tonight�s jazz concert. At first I wasn�t too keen. We had just been to a recital the night before and I was pretty tired. I wanted to watch the tape of �Enterprise� I had made and carve my pumpkin and go to bed. But I decided to go, and I am so glad I did!

The band was fantastic. The musicians were all very fine, including the leader, Jeff H., a blind guitarist and trumpet player who plays the guitar on his lap! Hubby couldn�t get over his facility with it in this position. The violinist was totally amazing, and the sax/clarinettist was likewise a marvel. They had a guest vocalist with them, a woman who had a nice voice and a great delivery but terrible diction. I had no idea most of the time what she was singing about. Several members of the band sang, and Jeff�s five-month pregnant wife also did a guest solo; her I would have liked to hear more from.

Anyway, it was a fabulous experience, totally erasing the bad taste in my mouth from last night�s concert. In the theatre lobby there were half a dozen or so jack o�lanterns exquisitely carved. They were quite the inspiration for my own effort which I must attempt in the morning. Hubby and I are heading off to the music department at 11:00 a.m. to start setting up for our rehearsal at noon, and he�s a little nervous that he won�t get all the cables hooked up just right and that things will go missing. So, with that in mind, I guess I will now hit the hay.


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