Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Slow day in Elganland.

Monday, Jan. 2, 2006
7:00 p.m.
It�s been a really slow day here in Elganland. I got up early and took Little Princess and the singer in the band to the bus station where they caught the 10 a.m. to Montreal, thence onward to Toronto where they are to meet Germ, the friend who visited here in October/November. From there they will drive to Windsor after spending a few days in the big city, and hopefully seeing my mother while they are there. She�s only been gone a few hours, and yet I miss her already.

I called my mom, who managed to talk my ear off with minutiae, and I slipped into the conversation that her granddaughter is going to be in town and hopefully will call her to see her with her friends, whom my mother remembers very fondly from their visit last summer. She totally misunderstood this and started preparing as though they are definitely coming for dinner tomorrow, when no such promise was made. She also called me back twice, the first time asking me why the cake she made is crumbling (how am I supposed to know?) and the second time because the light indicating that her oven is preheated wouldn�t go off, wanting to know why (as though I can diagnose her oven from 700 km away).

I love my mother, but I don�t know why she doesn�t ask my brother, who lives five minutes away, to help her out with these things. Well, I do know why she doesn�t ask him, because she doesn�t want to �bug� him or get him in trouble with his wife (whom we all know hates my mother�s guts) by taking too much of his attention or time away from her. It�s insane if you ask me. I know that if the tables were reversed and I was the one living down the road from her that she would be calling me all the time for little things, as she does now, except that I would be living down the road and not a 7-hour drive away.

Buddy Boy slept over at a friend�s last night, so Hubby and I took advantage of the children�s absence to do some serious marital conjugation this morning, something we had neglected for far too long because of various things which I don�t feel like listing here, but I know what they are and with a little imagination, you can figure them out too.

Otherwise the day has been very slow. We turned the mattress (yawn!), I did laundry (sheets and mattress cover, and other things), had a nap on the loveseat with the heat from the woodstove and the ticking of the clock lulling me into sleep, but woke up with the low-grade headache that has been plaguing me for the last couple of days. At first I blamed it on the champagne from New Year�s Eve, but I can�t still be hungover nearly 48 hours later. Or can I?


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