Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

How many apples have I eaten?

Thursday, Apr. 28, 2005
3:36 p.m.
In honour of my having completed my taxes (pencil only) and finding out I owe money this year (hot damn!), I�m taking a brief computer break. It has been raining non-stop for two days, it�s dreary, and I can�t seem to get warm. It would also seem that we are out of certain staples: milk and coffee (the horror!) and our personal shopper is on holiday, which means I have to make the trek across town to milk the cow and roast the beans, since no one else is prepared to do that, either because they are busy with their own taxes or simply have not yet got their driver�s license. Ah, the joys of motherhood!

Since I am uniquely uninspired, and since it was apparently free for the taking, I have lifted a quiz from my good friend Timmy, who is otherwise known as time2 on these hallowed pages. Here she be:

A � Accent: Canadian, specifically southern Ontario.
B - Breast size: I wear a D cup, but I note that the question refers to breast and not bra size. It�s all relative, my son.
C - Chore you hate: Cleaning of any kind.
D - Dad�s Occupation: Middle-school teacher before retirement (presently deceased).
E - Essential make-up item: Moisturizers of all kinds, including lip balm.
F - Favorite perfume: Fantasme by Ted Lapidus
G - Gold or silver: Both
H - Hometown: My hometown is Toronto, which is not where I am presently located.
I - Insomnia: Sadly.
J - Job title: Music tutor.
K - Kids: I am the proud mother of two lovely teenagers, age 16 and 19.
L - Love Life: Married, happily I might add, for 23 years in August.
M - Mum�s birthplace: Toronto.
N - Number of apples you�ve eaten: Ever? I was supposed to be keeping track?
O - Overnight hospital stays: Three, starting with having my tonsils out at age 4 and two cesarian sections.
P - Phobia: Smothering.
Q - Question most frequently asked by strangers: Can I have your autograph?
R - Religious affiliation: Bite your tongue!
S - Siblings: Two older brothers.
T - Time you wake up: 7:15 a.m., unless someone wakes me (grrr).
U - Unnatural hair color you have had: The hair colour I have right now, although it is the same I have had since birth, is unnatural.
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat: Have you got all day? Asparagus, eggplant, brussels sprouts, mushrooms, leeks, raw onions (unless they are mixed up with everything else), almost all olives (except kalamata), beets, turnips, et cetera.
W - Worst habit: Procrastination (i.e. spending way too much time on Diaryland instead of doing other, more pressing, jobs).
X - X-rays: Jaws, neck.
Y - Yummy foods you make: Everything I make is yummy.
Z - Zodiac sign: Aquarius.

Please note that there was no Q in the original quiz. Hence my own addition. Clever, no?

from coldandgray :

May I have your autograph?

from krugerpak007 :

Thanks for your note. I am feeling so much better. Can I have your autograph too? :-) xoxox Kathy

from hissandtell :

Your A-Z answers were delightful, darling. However, since I'm inferring you made up the answer to "Q" as well as the question, I'm disappointed you didn't pluck a figure out of the air for the apple thingy. I'm also planning to steal the "presently deceased" line, because I adore the implied sense of optimism there that the condition may change at any time. And re your need to "roast the beans" - well, just console yourself by remembering that if you were Karen Blixen, you'd also have to grown them first! Love, R xxx


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