Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Movies. Lots of movies.

Saturday, Jul. 25, 2009
9:45 p.m.
You know, I forgot to mention that because of all this amazing rain, we’ve been boiling our drinking water for about a week now. Apparently the water table is so high that runoff from farmers’ fields has been contaminating the borough reservoir, the same source of drinking water that we used when we were a town. I have no problem with this source of water. The aquifer from which it is drawn has some of the best tasting water around. It’s just a pity that we can’t drink it straight from the tap. Tea it is.

Last night Hubby took me to see the new W00dy AIIen film, Whatever W0rks, and then we grabbed some food afterwards at the little bistro next door. I really liked this movie. The main character mentioned a couple of times my own observation: Love is not logical. Go see it. Tell them I sent you.

Tonight we watched another film, rented this time, The Great Buck H0ward. This was also a great film. Rent it. Watch it. Enjoy!


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