Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

We are stardust, we are golden.

Sunday, Mar. 20, 2005
10:28 p.m.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have just today bitten the proverbial bullet and bought a year�s gold membership from Diaryland. No, I am not going to run banners advertising my diary--I seem to get readers enough without trying. I will most likely continue to have ph0t0bucket.com host my pictures, since whenever D-land crashes, the members� photos are the last thing to go back online. Although I�d like to have a comments page, I think I would have had to pay for a supergold for that one, so I will continue using my notes page and guestbook. I already have a site meter in my diary, so I don�t really need the stats tracker provided. Why then, you are all wondering, have I paid the equivalent of $40 CDN when I was doing just fine before? I can only say that for the past year and a half I have been getting a free ride on Diaryland, and now I feel it is time to put something back. Over a year, it works out to about 11� a day. I think I can afford that.

In other news, this has been a very slothful weekend. The most productive thing I did was empty and rinse out the compost buckets sitting on the back deck. Hubby, Buddy Boy and I just watched Wayne�s World II, which was absolutely hilarious. What I found interesting were Mike Meyers� facial expressions, the ones that would become the characteristic open-mouthed grin of Austin Powers and the raised eyebrow of Dr. Evil. The scene with �Handsome� Dan in the WPIG studio was gut splitting, and the rescue of Cassandra from her wedding � la The Graduate was brilliant. What a crazy flick!

It�s officially spring, by the way, the sun was shining, the snow was melting. I think there�s still a full foot of the white shit to go (at least), and the St. Francis is still totally covered over with ice, although the Massawippi is running freely. When the lake of the latter breaks up, we will have to worry about ice jams under the bridges and flooding. Until then, let�s keep our fingers crossed for a gradual melt.


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