Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

A turtle is a reptile, not an amphibian.

Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006
10:19 p.m.
I saw a very strange and disturbing film, The Squid and the WhaIe, with my husband just now. He�d rented three films for a whole week, and we saw The Island last night, another rather strange film, but with more of a Hollywood bent than the former, and enough explosions and car chases to keep any adolescent (or fully grown, for that matter) male happy. This other movie, though, was quite different, a portrait of a family breaking apart and the effect on the children, how the older son realizes that his parents are not black and white, good and evil, people, but more complex, and that he must confront his own future on his own terms without being influenced by their mistakes. Quite a study in denial, professional jealousy, egotism, and a whole host of other personality flaws. Whew!

Apart from that, I have sat at the computer for most of the day copying the piano reduction for the viola concerto. It�s been very quiet, Buddy Boy being off in Europe and all. There is actually a picture of him with his group on the net which you can view here. He�s the one on the far left with the Che Guevera shirt. His sister has been writing a takehome exam all weekend, I�ve been copying music, and Hubby has been spending an inordinate amount of time watching television, either movies or The Simpsons. He also discovered some arcade games online, and I would hear him yelling at his opponent as he played virtual tennis (you can�t really do these things properly with a track pad on a laptop) or tried not to crash his spaceship. He invariably crashed it.

I took a nap this afternoon and found when I got up that no one had done anything about supper (why is it always left up to me to feed people?), so I made some oven-fried sweet potatoes (I had to put most of the them in the compost as I�d forgotten the bag too long in the crisper) with the dressing recipe on the package: olive oil, lime juice, cayenne, pepper flakes, curry powder (I had none, so I substituted garam masala), mustard and black pepper. They were delicious, but not nearly enough food for supper. My husband started in about remembered Easter dinners from his childhood, how there would be a ham and vegetables and potatoes and I commented that his poor mother was slaving away in the kitchen all day.

I feel only slightly guilty about not making a proper supper though. Both Little Princess and Hubby were snacking all afternoon on crackers. Neither she nor I care at all that it�s Easter today, and if my husband still wanted to observe this holiday, he shouldn�t have married a Jewess. So there.


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