Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

The end of the affair

Wednesday, May 11, 2005
8:10 p.m.
Quickly now, so as not to leave you hanging, the matter of the wipers was not covered by the warranty. It turns out that there are three screws that hold the motor in place and one of them was stripped. How this happened I haven�t the foggiest. The guy at the desk (the one with the paucity of English) couldn�t figure it out either. He asked if anyone had been screwing around with them (not in those words) and I assured him that no one had been. So, we ended up paying for labour alone (@ $79.50 an hour or thereabouts) for the replacement of one screw and the tightening of the screws holding the side-view mirrors in place, considering the inside door panels had to be removed for that wee jobbie. As I said before, why can�t things just be simple?

Thanks for all your kind notes. It would seem that where motor vehicles are concerned, we all feel screwed around from time to time.


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