Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

End of the blog wars, hopefully.

Thursday, Sept. 7, 2006
8:10 p.m.
All right, I did a very nasty thing. I opened up the debate, telling everyone who reads that particular blog to go to this other person's site and get involved. Two people actually did, and here is what they said:
Look, we all know that fat women are just making excuses. If you're insanelly obese and a woman, just admit that you love food more than having sex with a man and that's that. Because no real man can get aroused for someone who looks like Jabba the Hut. I think overly obese people are just very selfish. They eat gluttonously and could care less about the outcome. So when they die of heart failure or slipping in the tub, bwah ha ha! that's just cause and effect. I give them no sympathy.

Take their food away. No diet soda or diet cheeseburger or diet shortcake, just do one pushup, push your fat ass up and away from the table! A curvy woman is fine, a fat waddly blob is not. Gah!

Posted 9/7/2006 at 1:47 PM by Penthouse_Rendezvous

somewhat strange "debate". As a careful reader, (weighing about 75 kilos), I have carefully read and re-read the comment-exchange here, not including the previous throw-away, of course. My appraisal is that sometimes being too high up on a horse makes identifying friend-or-foe difficult. Or in elgan's elegant words, "I'm on your side, dammit!" I, too, am on your side, Betty. Having read some of your previous posts, I can identify with a lot of your experiences, and the resulting mind-set. Everything your "adversary" has written is factually accurate, to my knowlege, and more importantly, a careful, relaxed re-reading should convince anyone that far from "attacking" you, she is simply offering innocent "food-for-thought" to nourish this important issue. * Oh, and I loved your "customer is always right" piece... but tell me, do they Really ask you to juggle knives?, now, seriously? Maybe that's why I don't miss New York! js/ tel aviv

Posted 9/7/2006 at 4:31 PM by jsolberg

I sincerely hope that that is the end of it. I thank everyone who left comments, especially zuzus-petals who pointed out where I was unwittingly antagonizing my adversary. Really, I like this person, or at least I liked her from her previous posts. I had no idea that she would react the way she did. I can only think that she is not happy with her weight, even though she is so quick to defend it, and feels that there is nothing she can do about it. It's sad, really.


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