Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

A boring entry wherein I procrastinate once again about getting my jobs done.

Monday, Apr. 26, 2004
10:11 p.m.
No, my taxes are not yet done; that�s tomorrow�s task. I have all the information slips separated into their neat little piles: provincial and federal, and I�ve photocopied the things for which I didn�t receive duplicates and I now have in my posession a faxed copy of the union dues receipt. Which means all I have to do tomorrow is wield my pencil and fill in all those little boxes, punch numbers into the calculator, and either write a cheque or check the refund box. I hate it. I actually like going to the dentist. I hate doing my taxes.

Patsy assures me that my sore breasts and inability to deal with stress is a symptom of perimenopause. Thank you Patsy. I wonder if my recent weight loss brought this on a little sooner than expected, except that I am 47, and most women are at least starting to experience premenopausal symptoms by this age. So, when do my periods stop already?

We started the next eight-week session of belly-dancing tonight. Most of the class has stayed on, and we really are a fun bunch. Lise had us walking with a hip glide on each step, one foot in front of the other (like on a fashion runway), alternating shoulder coups (how do you say coup d��paule in English?) with the hip glides. Rib cage up, abdominals tight, butt contract�. What started hurting were my outer thighs. Then she had us add a pirouette and hip rotations (large followed by small). I was getting so dizzy I thought for a moment I would be ill. Luckily for everyone, I wasn�t and the feeling passed.

I�m feeling rather overwhelmed. First I have to get these stupid taxes out of the way. Then I have to do a thorough cleaning of my house. The yard needs cleaning up. I�m tempted to call someone to do that, since Hubby is not likely to take time out of his busy schedule to wield a rake, and the kids are useless. Well, that�s not exactly true. Buddy Boy has play rehearsals every day after school and Little Princess is entering her exam period. So they really are busy. But you-know-who ends up doing the majority of the work. No wonder I ended up with a killer headache yesterday. And from the looks of things, there will be more.


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