Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Folk music and just plain folks.

Sunday, Jun. 13, 2004
11:03 p.m.
What a day it has been! Gloriously sunny and warm, just enough chill in the air to warrant a shawl over my bare arms, protecting from sunburn while lending an air of fashionable folksiness to my cotton dress and straw hat. Absolutely lovely.

I picked Chris up around 12:45 and we drove to Janice and Dave�s place in Bulwer. Janice is so sweet, and a tad dyslexic perhaps, since she told me that the paved highway veers to the right and I should stay on it, and not venture onto the dirt road. In reality, the paved highway veers left, and Chris and I found ourselves going down the dirt road, having to turn around and retrace our steps. From there we found her place fine, and the rest of the afternoon unfolded very pleasantly. People I knew came and people I didn�t know were introduced to me. A flat-bed trailer was set up as a sound stage, and after everyone had partaken of the feast laid out (I ate before I left, so I was not tempted), musicians took to the microphones and performed folk music. I joined Janice and Dave for several numbers, but then bowed out since they were going into unfamiliar territory. Chris was enjoying himself mightily, seemingly eating constantly. The guy is skinny as anything; it makes you want to throttle him.

We left around 5:30 p.m. and I drove him home. Once home myself, we awaited the arrival of Jenn and Mark so we could go to Shalimar for the Sunday evening buffet. Mark had just had a huge meal at Hovey Manor, courtesy the guy he�s been doing work for, and was not hungry at all. Hubby said he was fine and could wait. Jenn and I were both rolling our eyes and clutching our bellies, feeling faint with hunger, so I cracked open the dates and pecans. That plus some beer helped a bit.

Then we headed out to the restaurant, which I�m sure I�ve mentioned before has the best Indian food anywhere, and Mark actually ate. Seriously. That�s how good it is there. Then we came home and the two guys played guitars while Jenn and I strained to hear each other. We finally got them to play something we could sing to, but my ears are still ringing from the amplifiers.

They�re gone now, back to The Lion to meet their buddies and consume more beer, and will be driving back to Ontariariario tomorrow. It just seems so empty without them. I�ll get over this, but they�re so nice, I really wished we could live closer.

Tomorrow morning I have to call Maurice since there is something seriously wrong with the hot water heater in the electrical department, and I had a cold bath this morning (not fun) and do not want to repeat the exercise. And that�s the end of the story. Thanks for tuning in.


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