Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Fahrenheit 9/11

Saturday, July 3, 2004
10:09 p.m.
We just got home from the cinema, having seen a sellout showing of Michael Moore�s Fahrenheit 9/11. We arrived a little late and could not find three seats together, so Hubby sat right at the back and Buddy Boy and I were in the front row craning our necks up.

First of all, I think Michael Moore is a very brave soul to tackle this subject, the terrorizing of Americans by its administration and the senselessness of the whole war in Iraq. Some of the footage was very graphic, especially the casualties sustained by Iraqi civilians. The unbridled grief of the Flint, Michigan mother whose son was killed in Iraq was extremely affecting. It was a very powerful film.

Canada did not get involved in the invasion of Iraq, and I have actually received flak from Americans I have played Literati with on that account. I am so proud that my government made the decision to stay out, and I applaud our former Prime Minister, Jean Chr�tien, for not being bullied into joining this ill-advised military action. My heart goes out to the families on both sides who lost members because of this invasion. I cannot just sit back and be smug about our non-involvement, because all of humanity is affected when ignorance and greed take over instead of compassion and wisdom.

On the drive home we were explaining to Buddy Boy how the war in Iraq parallels to some extent the American involvement in Viet Nam, where the cream of a generation was killed because if an irrational fear of communism. You would think people would have learned something from that debacle. Michael Moore�s message is loud and clear: Get Bush out of the White House!


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