Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

He shoots, he scores!

Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2005
10:17 p.m.
I cut the index finger on my left hand putting wood in the stove earlier today and now every f, g, r, t, v and b is typed painfully. Let us not forget the 4 and 5 also, for they too employ that appendage. I can blame it then for my bad typing. You, however, only ever get to see the proof-read and corrected copy that ends up published here. So I don�t even know why I bring this up, except maybe to garner a little sympathy.

Hubby and Little Princess abandoned Buddy Boy and me today for the glamour and glitz of the big city. Our friend John-o who lives in the Big Apple (the city, that is, not the apple-based theme park we pass on our drives to and from Toronto) gave us pairs of tickets for two hockey games in Montreal, originally meant as gifts for his brother who for some reason or other was unable to use them. So, very generously, he mailed them to us. I am not a fan of grown men chasing a small black hard rubber object around on ice skates carrying curved sticks. I am even less of a fan of the violence that has become de rigueur in the sport, so I am not bothered at all that it is my daughter and not myself in attendance at the BeII Centre tonight. Buddy Boy will accompany his dad next week to use the other pair of tickets.

As a result, my son and I were left to our own devices for supper, so I took him to ViIIage Grec for old time�s sake. When the kids were really little, I would take them there for a treat when Hubby was out of town or otherwise absent for supper, and I would be adamant that if they were not good we would leave immediately. Somehow it worked and they behaved. My memories of those days were all of us going as a family and orange soda pop getting spilled. Every time. But when I was the only parent in charge, they were little angels. Anyway, Buddy Boy and I had a blast. The food was all right too, even though they do rely a little too heavily on the deep fryer.

Earlier today I took Little Princess to the clinic for her last dressing change before they close for the holidays tomorrow. The lesion is greatly reduced and the scar tissue surrounding it, although purple now, is not lumpy but lies almost flush with the surrounding skin. The nurse was really rather impressed as she had been expecting much worse. I stopped at the pharmacy to inquire about a product that will reduce the redness and hurry the normalizing of the scar tissue, but the pharmacist didn�t have anything and promised to phone me.

Otherwise the day has been rather dull and domestic. My new cleaning lady arrived at 8:30 and was done by noon, so I made her a cup of coffee and we chatted for half an hour. Her life would fill the pages of a novel. Maybe if I can get her to tell it to me I will write it. You never know.

Oh, speaking of novels, I finished All He Ever Wanted by Anita Shreve. It was fantastic. Thank you so much zitagsd for sending it to me.

[Click back one for a list of reasons why books make great gifts.]


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