Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

I want to live, Marge! I want to live!

Monday, Dec. 10, 2007
12:06 a.m.
I just watched the last 20 minutes or so of Elf which made me very happy for some unfathomable reason. I’m a sucker for stuff like that, I guess. Better than movies with chase scenes and chain saws.

Today was very low key. It went along with the low grade headache I couldn’t seem to shake, probable the residue of drinking cheap red wine at the party last night, and then not getting enough sleep. It was cold. It’s very cold right now, a crisp -18°C. Buddy Boy went to visit a friend (I drove him there) and said something about walking home. I told him not to call after 11:30 and it’s now after 12:00 and no word from him. I sure as hell hope he doesn’t walk home.

I started composing the family end-of-year letter for 2007, the one that I write every year, and decided that it’s a really boring job. So I’ve told everyone that they are to write their own paragraphs and I will assemble it. But I’m sick of making stuff up for everyone year after year. Well, I don’t make stuff up. But you know what I mean. (Actually, sometimes I do make stuff up, but it’s always so silly that there’s no question.)

Apparently there was some irregularity surrounding the enrollment of my special needs student this term. She tried to register for her courses in January and was told she could not because she had not taken the prerequisites, which was ridiculous because she was taking them right now. So she saw the dean, and it turns out that there was no record of her having signed up for classes this semester, which means that I taught her for four months and didn’t actually receive payment. That’s a bummer. There have been emails now between the dean and various people in the department and the registrar’s office and the business office, and hopefully this matter will be cleared up shortly and I will be receiving a nice hefty paycheque which will make our upcoming trip a little easier to bear financially. What a supreme drag. I am also concerned about being paid for Vlad’s student.

Anyway, I have to do my marking before we go as well, and I have to go to bed.


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