Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Excuse me while I gloat just a little bit.

Saturday, May 7, 2005
4:20 p.m.
Yesterday�s entry got cut short quite suddenly when I realized that the clock said 5:20 and the car had to be retrieved from the garage by 5:30. As it was, we were three minutes late and unable to pay our bill because the card-reading machine had decided that the working day was over and it wouldn�t accept either my debit or credit card. Our garagiste, however, is an angel and said to just send a cheque in the mail or drop by and pay it when we�re in the neighbourhood. What a guy. Actually, he knows where we live, which puts him at a definite advantage.

Both kids being out of the house last night (Little Princess was at an erotic circus and Buddy Boy was camping out with friends), Hubby and I decided to do something different and we supped on the terrace at The Lion, where we experienced first-hand the joys of trucks passing every five minutes or so, laden with logs or sawn boards, mostly making right-hand turns towards the pulpmill at East Angus (when the wind is blowing from the east, you don�t want to be anywhere near the river) and coming dangerously close to taking out the fence that separates the pub from the sidewalk. We really do need that bypass, but if it has to go through my friends� family room is another story.

Then we walked over to the video store and rented Love Actually, which I have been wanting to see forever, and came home and watched it. I loved it. I especially loved watching the relationship between the boy and his stepfather solidify as they first grieved the loss of their mother/wife and then through the pursuit of the boy�s �true love�, the cool girl at his school. Emma Thompson is fantastic; anything she is in is wonderful, and Hugh Grant is great eye candy. Oh, and I just love all the English accents. I�m like those girls in the bar in Wisconsin.

This afternoon we were at Little Princess� graduation from CEGEP, where she made us incredibly proud. Not only was she class valedictorian, but she walked off with several prizes, mostly in science, but she also tied for the English prize, which none of us expected. Her speech was very funny as she lauded laziness and explained how it has been the chief inspirer of our technological and labour-saving society. One of her friends said it was the best valedictorian speech he had heard, ever. That was nice. The funny thing about this ceremony is the fact that the school year is not yet over for them. They haven�t finished writing their final exams, and some of them may actually end up not graduating after all. I�m not worried about Little Princess though. I think she�s got that part covered.


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