Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Movie review

Sunday, May. 6, 2007
10:33 p.m.
Sometimes I have dreams of the future. Rarely. Or if I have them more often, I don’t remember them. But last night, before I was even asleep, when I closed my eyes I saw spiders, except they weren’t spiders, they were some kind of walking substance with spider-like legs, reminiscent of those weird things which infiltrated the ship in the movie version of L0st in Space (which was a really terrible film [“Danger, WiII R0binson! Danger!”] and WiIIiam Hurt should be ashamed of himself for starring in it). Well, I forgot about it, and eventually slept.

But tonight Hubby, Buddy Boy and I went to see the new Homo Arachnid movie (I <3 T0by Maguire), and it wasn’t until we were leaving the movie theatre that I recalled my vision of the night before, and realized that it was a foretelling of the alien substance that messes with Spidey’s mind. Weird, eh?

It was a very entertaining movie, full of action, special effects, but heavy on the heart-string pulling, too. We got to see that not all good guys are totally good, and not all bad guys are totally bad. I liked that. And my main man T0by is such an incredibly hot nerd. I love it when the hero is so normal looking, as opposed to having chiseled features and rippling muscles.

So, yeah, go see it. It’s definitely worth an evening out.


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