Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

What�s that growing on your nose?

Monday, Dec. 6, 2004
8:01 p.m.
The saga of the Volvo continues. This morning Hubby drove it to work, taking with him an extension cord, parked directly behind the music department, and plugged it into the outdoor socket. At some point in the day, security came by after receiving a complaint (a complaint for chrissakes!) that there was a car plugged into university property, and removed the extension cord. Hubby was once again livid with rage. He stormed over to security, bawled everyone out and informed them that they were to leave his car plugged in because otherwise he could not start it. It is now plugged in and has been for about three hours, but it will still not start as was evidenced by his attempt when we went to pick Buddy Boy up from karate. The security officers were suitably cowed by the great maestro�s rage and assured him they would leave the cord in place. Now, if only we could find out who snitched on him and get that person in trouble somehow.

Two of my students had their juries today and were both wonderful. I am very pleased with their progress this year. The baritone has real talent. The soprano does too, but I think she is heading more for a career in education and less in performing. This is very heartwarming for me as a teacher. The UpIands MusicaI Society met for a rehearsal this afternoon (which I had to leave early because I had to take Buddy Boy to Karate and pick up his father, stranded with a non-starting car at the university), and there is a possibility we will actually perform a good concert next weekend. Thankfully we have two rehearsals left.

I also have a pimple growing on the side of my nose, always a delightful occurence, and I just thought I would share that titbit of information with you.


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