Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Bloody Wednesday

Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2006
4:16 p.m.
For the first time in over six years, I gave blood at the clinic Héma-Québec set up on campus in the new residence. The last time, in January, 2000, preceded a decline into acute anemia, and this is the first opportunity since then that I’ve felt iron-rich enough to give some of my scarlet abundance away. I even got my blood pressure taken, and it was perfect.

Afterwards, after I’d lain the mandatory ten minutes on the bed pressing the wad of cotton gauze onto my puncture point, after I’d had two orange juice boxes and an oatmeal cookie, I chatted with some students who were waiting outside, nervous, not having given blood before, reassuring them that the worst part was that little prick on the side of the middle finger to determine hemoglobin count, and then I walked across the lawn through the warm rain to where my car was waiting patiently in the parking lot. It felt really nice, cleansing almost, as though I had gotten rid of some of what was causing pressure inside me, then having nature wash away the rest.

The situation with my treacherous students has been resolved as follows: the dean has recommended to the executive committee that I receive payment for the term for the 1st-year student, plus one seniority point in compensation, and payment for the hour lesson already taught the 2nd-year student. I’m not completely happy with this result, as I’d really rather have warm bodies to teach, but at least I’m mollified. I look at it this way: in the normal course of events, I would have received a seniority point for each course taught (which adds up to three). Since my 2nd-year student left me, I’m out the point I would have received for her. So, in this way, by getting an extra, I am not penalized and I don’t lose seniority. That was what I was really concerned about.


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