Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Hot jazz on a cool February night.

Friday, Feb. 4, 2005
11:30 p.m.
The M0rty Ferber concert tonight was incredible. We are so lucky to have these world-class musicians come and play at our little, 150-seat concert hall--and they�re free yet (i.e. for music department faculty, their families, and music students). Not a bad deal.

I eventually did vacuum the downstairs, which was worse than filthy. The floors still need washing, but the worst of the dirt is gone. The bathrooms are clean, there are no tangles of dust and hair lurking behind the furniture and in the corners, and there is no sand in the hallway that gets tracked into the house through the front door. For a while I thought I had brought on a sciatica attack, but all seems to be well now.

So, to bed.


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