Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Belly, belly, belly, belly...

Sunday, Jun. 3, 2007
10:42 p.m.
I did something different today, I actually took spade i hand and planted my burgmansia in the garden. It looks pretty spindly. The ones at the nursery are covered with blossoms. I suppose I should have got this out earlier. Ah well, this will document its progress in a way.


While I had my camera out, I wandered around the yard taking pictures. There was a bee in the rhubarb:


The dandelions have gone to seed:


I laid the $5 carpet out on the deck and Suzie came for a visit:


and I got this amazing close up of a tiny bug in a tiny flower in the lawn:


I also hung out two loads of wash (yay for warm, rainless weather) and attended the belly dancing prégénérale, which went on and on and on. I left while it was still happenening.


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